
About a week ago, October First to be exact, I decided to devote my time toward writing a blog. I created a blog called Third Wheel Observations. I thought it was a great project, dishing on my friends’ relationships and examining the various aspects and personalities at play through specific stories I’ve witnessed while third wheeling with them.

I don’t want to call my own blog stupid or pointless, but less than a week later I don’t see any way around it. Don’t get me wrong, I think it could entertain people. It could even help people learn from my and my friends’ mistakes. However, I’ve come to realize there are much more pressing issues I could be working to help people with.

I write under the pen name of “tck”. I’m a 25 year old male who recently graduated university in the U.S. I’m originally from the Southern Illinois region, but for numerous reasons I have moved from the States to Wellington, New Zealand. I think that’s a good enough description and will leave it at that.

I prefer to write under a pen name because I feel the more you know about me the more preconceived notions you’ll have regarding the ideas presented. Instead, I hope you read what I have to say, reflect on the information handed to you and decide what to do with it.

Too often we idolize individuals in our society and automatically listen to their word and ideas and adapt them into our own lives because the person is famous or good at sports or wealthy. This isn’t an issue I hope to fight directly with this blog, but I hope you can put that habit aside and take the information provided for what it is. If you like the outlook, the theories–the life lessons if you will–within my writing then try incorporating them into your life. Try considering them before you act, try passing them on to your neighbor.

If you disagree, great. At least you came to that conclusion not because you like the rival to the sports team I play for or you prefer my ex wife over me or whatever it may be. If you disagree make a deduction as to why you disagree and further solidify your stance, your views on the subject at hand.

This blog won’t be preachy, I promise. I hope to make you laugh. I hope to help you forget about some of the troubles of your day. That’s not to say every day–or even week– I’ll be posting some sort of hysterical story or joke, but I do hope to keep things light. I hope to provide true stories from my past that helped me learn something about myself, allowing me to shape the way I approach the world going forward.

Finally, a disclaimer: All names and locations contained in the stories you’re about to read have been changed. If you think you know who I am or where I’m from please keep that information to yourself. Anonymity is important to me and to this blog. I hope you all respect that and I hope you all enjoy reading what I lay down.
